
Today is a bad day.

It doesn't help that it's raining, cold, and nasty, all I want to do is get back in bed. As a matter of fact, I am going to as soon as I'm done this entry. I don't know what is wrong with me. I can't get over this feeling of complete and total brokenness. I hate this feeling, and I just want to sleep it off.

I just realized last night that the cycle before we started trying was only 15 days. I kept track of my cycles beginning CD1, 01.08.08, and though back. I had started spotting on 12.23.07, which would make CD 1 12.24.07. Whopping total of 15 days, just yet another warning sign of something is wrong with my body.

I'm so sick and tired of trying to conceive. It's not supposed to be this hard. How is it that my mother could not stop getting pregnant, and that my sister had an accidental, and yet I have problems? True, my other sister took 14 months. On the same note, she's 37 and had been on the pill for 20 years. It took her that long just to regulate, and add advanced maternal age, all those factors I do not share with her.

I'm just fucking broken.