
The day of big news, just not mine :-)

Well, it starts with my stepson - he has decided on the Navy. Yay! I was hoping Navy and not Air Force, strictly on the fact that his dad was, and even though Chris was in the first Gulf War, he was never in combat. The Air Force recruiter was a total dick too. Very "we're so good we don't have to offer you anything, we have enough people". That is a verbatim quote by the way. It was kind of appalling to hear the things that were said. The guy was getting ready to retire, and couldn't give a shit about his job. Chris actually had to track him down, call several times, and show up before they could even talk. Then he wasn't willing to talk job fields until in boot camp. Maybe that's the way the AF works, I don't know, but this guy was an ass. CJ would have to be dropped off at the Recruiter office to take the ASVAB, and then go to boot camp, and then talk job fields. If something wasn't available, he would just be stuck with something for the next 4 or 6 years that he could possibly hate. Not really a good deal. The Navy, however, is practically dating him. They're even going to pick him up, take him to Harrisburg, put him up in a hotel room, take him to dinner, and then next day give him the ASVAB. He'll have a guaranteed job field (what depends on his test scores) before he officially enlists, and he is thinking telecom, just like his dad. The recruiter was really good too, and answered all his questions. Seriously people, if you want people to sign up for the military, at least PRETEND that you like your job. Come on.

Second News Update - Lindsay is having a girl! YAY! Chloe Michelle (tentatively) is on her way! I'm so excited, we were having a serious penis overload on BOTB. It's about time for a girl! That does mean I was wrong in my latest prediction, but in my defense, I did say girl for the first few months. It's only been this last month I've been saying boy. Time to break out the PINK!

Third news update - Sedina (IRL friend) is pregnant with #2! I'm very jealous - she started trying after me - but I'm through the roof excited. Kaleighna, their daughter, is absolutely adorable - a little blondie with BRIGHT light blue/aqua eyes. They do make gorgeous kids, and I can't wait to see what this one looks like! She's due end of January, early February, don't know the exact date yet. She wasn't a crazy charter/OPK/CBEFM/vitamins girl ;) but it is funny since her first was born on February 2nd. Saving money on those birthday parties? ;)

In my world, I did ovulate today! Always a plus. 5 days till my doctor's appointment, so we'll see what happens there, now that the body is working!