
Finally - my OWN big news on the blog!

I'm Pregnant!

Oh, the hideousness of the BFP bloat. And LOVING EVERY MINUTE! I bloat so badly every month - 9 lbs. to be exact. Once again, this month, I am 9 lbs. up - and all in the belly. The sad part is, you can actually SEE the line where the belly normally is without the bloat! Haha...

And to think, I wasn't go to test today! After yesterday's BFN, I was convinced I was just going to wait for my period to show up.

Being the POAS addict I am, I held my FMU this morning. I didn't pee for over an hour after I woke up, just trying to decide if I wanted to test or not. I had all but settled on NO, when an email from MysteriousWife shows up... Are you testing today?

Well, I wasn't planning on it, but how long could those cheapy dipsticks really be good for? May as well burn the last 5 or so that were left.

I run to the bathroom, PIAC, and dip the thin little dipstick. I take the dipstick with me back to my room, and just continue on BOTB as usual. I am chatting away, about to announce yet another BFN, when... wait. What is that? Is that a line? Tears. Shaking. No fucking way. Wait - for some reason, I DID NOT dump the cup of FMU. Subconcious instinct? No, I was thoroughly expecting a no. Why did I NOT dump that? Who knows.

I can't call Chris. What is that isn't a line? It is just the smallest little pink shadow. Call Lindsay. More tears, all but hyperventilating. I think I see a line. Have to test again. Dip the thicker dipstick. Screw that, I have a FRER in the cabinet too. Dip that also. Sitting on the toilet, bawling my eyes out, I look over. More lines.

OH MY GOD I AM PREGNANT!!! Lindsay shut up I have to call my husband! (LOL thanks for not being mad about that Linds!) Wait, really? YES! There are 3 lines glaring in my face. Really faint on the dip sticks, but there is no denying that FRER!! Call Chris. Have to call Chris.


He doesn't believe me. I am bawling hysterically. We scream together, oh my god, it's real. It's finally real! With all the stress this cycle, we both figured there was no way in hell. Only once did we have sex in my fertile window! Only ONCE! For the first time in a long time, fertility friend only rated me as "good" not "high". After I calm down, he tells me that when he answered the phone, he thought I was going to tell him one of our dogs died because I was bawling! That's a great story for the baby book, lemme tell ya :)

Well, he finally came home from work. Time to go out to dinner! And ya know, since we are out...

I got my first pair of maternity jeans. All the joking I did about getting them before I was pregnant, well, I should have! They are the most comfortable things I have ever worn in my entire life! They are so cute, so comfy, and LESS THAN HALF of what a normal pair costs! $16.95! Needless to say, I will be living in them. I also bought a tummy sleeve, Vitamin E body butter, and more pregnancy tests.

Hence the DARKER second line on the second test. WOOT! It's gotten DARKER! I know it means nothing, but it's just the fact. :)

My first doctor's appointment is August 27th. I don't know if they'll be doing an ultrasound, GOD I hope so!! but I will be 11 weeks at that point. That seems so late for a first appointment, but my doctor's office apparently doesn't get you in until 10 weeks - the week I am on vacation! What can you do.

I called my mom, but other than that, we want Chris Jr. to be the first to know. He'll be leaving soon, Thursday to be exact. This does mean though, that I will definitely be able to fly out to his graduation and possibly visit him down at A school. We were a little worried about it when his boot camp ship date was mid-December, that meant his graduation would be mid-February. If his date didn't get moved, we were talking about a TTC break. It would be more important for both of us to be there than to get pregnant immediately. We'd waited 7 months while trying, so it wouldn't be a big deal to skip 2 cycles (3 or 4 months) so we could both be there for him. That would have been the ONLY thing to put TTC on hold.

No longer any worries... I'm Pregnant!!!


Danse said...

Wow, congratulations!!!

SweetPea said...

Congrats again honey! :) I'm so happy for you!

Miranda said...

Congrats again, Megan! (And your blog entry just made me feel a whole lot better about my compulsion to buy cute maternity clothes so soon!)


Kristi said...

Congratulations, Megan! I love your story ~ it brought tears to my eyes! Good luck!

K. said...

HOLY CRAP! I take a BOTB vacation, and look what happens! I am so excited for you, Megan! Congratulations!!!!!!!

Kelly said...

Holy shiznit I missed your BFP post, Congrats Megan!! Wishing you the happiest and healthiest nine months!