
Ahh the weekend....

Starts off on a bad foot!

I'm so incredible exhausted - but I cannot sleep. I will sleep for an hour, wake up, and spend the next 20 minutes trying to fall back asleep. Repeat hourly, with every other hour including a pee break. Right now I am incredibly cranky!

Lindsay's baby shower was today :) That was fun. Man, I am so jealous - you should SEE the amount of stuff she got! Her MIL alone bought half her registry! Everything was so cute - but I felt no so good. I was feeling nauseous all day today, and now that the nausea has subsided, I have outrageous heartburn. Even though it was Lindsay's shower, she got me a present! I'll put a pic in here soon, but too much effort for me right now :) It's an adorable photo frame that is the mom + dad = me 3 picture frame. I love it!!

The psycho mood swings are setting in. I got so mad at Chris today...

When we got out of the car, he grabbed the empty Popeye's bag. I had to soda, the picture frame, and a gallon of water that has no handle that I am trying to juggle all from the car inside. Now we need a new front door, you have to slam it shut and lock it immediately so it doesn't swing open and the dogs escape. He walked in - and kept going. I'm trying to push the dogs back, slam the door with my foot, and not drop anything. So I yelled over, "So nice of you to help me!" He turned around and shot back "You didn't ask me to!" He walked behind me, locked the door, doing the pissed-off breathing/sigh thing (you all know what I am talking about!) and suddenly...

The psycho took over.

That soda from Popeye's? I launched it. Threw it across the dining room. Explosion.

That jug of water? Same. But no explosion, it had a lid.

I seriously THREW a soda IN MY HOUSE.

Let the hormones begin!!


Alicia @ refinedisaiah648.blogspot.com said...

I found your blog through thenest.com and I just have to say you have such a sweet look and feel to your blog!!! I am with you on not being able to sleep on some nights!!!

Anonymous said...

Megan, I can't see the far right of your posts. The words just cut off. :(