
Crap. She did it again.

And so it goes....

I've been tagged by Sweetpea. The Rules:

1. Link to the person who tagged you
2. Post the rules to your blog
3. Write 6 random things about yourself
4. Tag 6 people at the end of your post and link to them
5. Let each person you have tagged know by leaving a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is posted.

6 random things about me:

1.) I recently have developed a new love that I never thought would occur. I suddenly have no desire to wear my engagement ring. I still love it to pieces, but I suddenly love just my wedding ring by itself.

2.) I too, cannot sleep with socks on. Whenever I get tired, all of a sudden, my feet get incredibly hot. Like, burning. When I was little, I used to unzip my footy sleepers and pull my legs out. My mom figured out what was going on when she would wake me up every morning, and only my arms would be in my pajamas. It was like a cape at that point.

3.) I am such a 1950s housewife. I love having dinner on the table when my husband comes in the door. I love being a stay at home wife, and the whole June Clever aspect. Because I do this, I believe I am also the ultimate feminist, in a backwards way. I choose to do it, and everyday I have people telling me how wrong it is and how I should start a business, or go to work at least part-time, blah blah blah. I have to fight against the new stereotype everyday, where it is suddenly no longer okay to be a SAHW. Where the ultimate feminist part comes in, I think a woman should be able to choose whatever she wants to do, including NOT work.

4.) I am unhealthily attached to my husband, and he is to me. We don't go out separately, we don't have boy nights or girl nights, and just being apart from each other for this past week has reduced us both - and yes, I said BOTH - to tears. I've never been sick of him - I love when he's home on vacation and I have him 24/7.

5.) I have an irrational hate for doing laundry. Even though I am a SAHW, I still manage to weasel my way into talking my husband into doing it for me. I have no idea what my objection is to it, but I would rather burn my clothes after wearing them and be stuck with nothing, than to do laundry. It's been close.

6.) I am unexplainably afraid of making phone calls. I have a strange paranoia with it. Even while DH was in Pittsburgh on Saturday, he called into the Chinese place down the street - from 4 hours away - to call and order it for me. I hate the phone. You will usually have to call me about 10 times before I will ever call you. I have no idea why, but I am very uncomfortable on the phone. I will physically start shaking and take about 10 minutes to psych myself up if I have to call somewhere I am not regularly calling.

Okay, again with the tagbacks. Let's go with Monkey, Danse, Blair, Griffin, Rachi, and Boobz.


aLLie said...

I'm gonna have to do it as a comment because my blog is not public.....

Crap. She did it again.

And so it goes....

I've been tagged by Sweetpea. The Rules:

1. Link to the person who tagged you
2. Post the rules to your blog
3. Write 6 random things about yourself
4. Tag 6 people at the end of your post and link to them
5. Let each person you have tagged know by leaving a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is posted.

6 random things about me:

1.) My dad hit me in the face when I was 9 and ever since I've always been a fighter. Including in High School when a boy twice my size smacked me in the face, I got in his face yelling, "Are you a big man?? You like hitting girls?? Go on! Hit me!! Hit me!!"
(I'm 5'2" haha)

2.) I discipline my animals (a cat and a dog) with a heavy duty squirt bottle. It shoots a heavy stream of water across the room and if either of them is getting out of control, I send a stream or two their way and they shape up immediately. It's awesome.

3.) I love being a SAHW too. I find it hilarious that people don't understand how I don't work. And, that they think by them telling me I "should get a job" that their opinion somehow overrides my husband's preference for me to stay at home.

4.) I hate being hot with a passion. I also have to be comfortable at all times. Those are my two main things. I have to be cool and comfortable. If I'm not one or both of these things, watch out! I sleep with a fan on all night long just to make sure I stay cool.

5.) I always need to be having fun. If it's not fun, I most likely won't do it.

6.) I really want to learn how to play the guitar well! Unfortunately I haven't been practicing like I should and I've fallen off the bandwagon a little bit, but I want to get back and on and sing and play the guitar all day long!

sorry I can't tag anyone on your blog lol

I heart you Megan:)